Friday, April 06, 2007

Things You Won't See In America - Part 5

Today, Good Friday, is a Special Edition Video Installment of 'Things You Won't See In America'. This video was taken today by me on my phone today. It is Kyiv's central square, 'Maydan Nezalejnosti' or 'Independence Square'. This was center stage for the orange revolution and with another 'political crisis' brewing here in Ukraine (I don't know if it has made it's way into western news cycles), you can see that some people have taken to the streets:

Today's thing you won't see in America is:

The Religious Left

You can hear the Orthodox choral pieces in the backround. No, that's not from the Conservatory (located just off camera)... it is being blasted over the loud speakers. It is all part of a video talking about church history that you can see being played on the big screens on both sides of the stage.

But the kicker in this video is all the pink. All the tents, flags, etc. that are pink are there representing the SOCIALIST PARTY of Ukraine. The very same socialist party that betrayed and effectively ruined the 'Orange Coalition'.

Seems a little odd... and not something that you would see in the states.

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