Sunday, April 22, 2007

Anna's Hours

I haven't checked Anna's blog for a while. I checked it today and I'm a little worried. Could Anna be overworking? Look at those tough office hours she's putting up with.

We will all continue to pray for you, Anna. Especially for your difficult TWO AND A HALF HOUR work week.



Anna P said...

Reading this post makes me miss you, dear brother of mine. I need to find someone around here to make sarcastic comments all the time.

At any rate, those whopping two and a half hours are the hours open for the public to come and do buisness with me. Too bad you can't read the fine print at the bottom or I'm sure you would have discovered that on your own.

Thanks for being your observant self and purveyor of truth.

Anonymous said...

I think she has to squeeze in those hours between power outages and coups.

ukrainiac said...

And how are your other hours filled?

Dasha said...

(Just to be really nitpicky, it should read 'public office hours' or 'open office hours' or something of the sort because 'Anna's Office Hours' implies that these hours are the only hours that YOU are there but it should mean the only hours that OTHERS can be there.)

Anna P said...

It has the clause on the bottom, "Please come during theses hours for giving and receiving money."