Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"More fun, more flames, more flameouts: more Gilmore."

I just don't get it... Dasha is already watching season 3 (borrowed from Jeanne) and I still haven't been able to sit through a whole episode.

I don't think its well-written and I don't think that its well-acted and I think the highly-praised "suds-free storyline" is lame.

What do people like this show for and how can there be so many seasons of it?


Dasha the Explorer said...

You men will never get the 'Gilmore Girls'. Right, ladies?

faith said...

I've only ever seen one episode and I thought it was lame. But maybe it was just a bad episode. haha. I don't have time for television now that I am in school. I doubt when I find time again, I will be watching any more episodes. I have no desire to see them.

Anonymous said...

Being a "good" mother, I thought I would sit down and watch this show with my daughter. I found that the mother in this show is not a mother but the daughter's "Best Friend". Bleck!
It was sometimes slightly amusing but nausea quickly set in.
BUT Rachel still loves it, so there is an appeal somewhere.

Dasha said...


Jeanne said...

In my defense, dear, precious, little brother... I never said the acting was good, I never said that it wasn't lame BUT it is entertainment and it does do that! Some of the lines are great, they also help introduce true Californians to the East Coast culture (well, at least that is what they have said). I don't watch it to 'gain' anything... I watch it for the entertainment value. Once you have a few seasons under your belt they start to get worse, but curiosity keeps you going. PLUS, you don't have to think!!! Something that is a major plus when you are sick!!! I do enjoy it. Maybe it is the lack of being in the states for the past 2+ years... Anyway... I will continue to watch as they continue to produce so Dasha: No worries, you will see it though to the end. :):)

Another added benefit: mom and I watched it together so no waiting for dad like The West Wing!! Which you don't like... but I DO have almost every James bond movie!! and the Audrey Hepburn collection :)

ukrainiac said...

I wrote a comment yesterday, but see that it didn't make it on the site. ugh! So I will try to remember the main points from yesterday:

Our intro to GG was through a gift to Jeanne of the first season. What attracted me to it initially was the fact that we had a mom, who at age 16 chose to keep her baby (though certainly had plenty of money via her parents to abort her), chose not to marry the father (also a teenager), raised the child on her own (rather than depending on her parents' money and then being under their "control"), AND, much to my surprise -- didn't pretend that it was easy! Many hard choices because of one bad one. Of course, you don't learn of her early motherhood years until later in the show.

I can't imagine having some of the conversations with my own daughters (or anyone else's daughters, for that matter!) that I hear from time to time on the show. But I do find it interesting to watch the relationships between Rory and her mom, the grandparents, the friends. The reasons behind some of their choices made me rethink some of my quick responses, based on not having ALL the information. Yes, I can be quick to judge...not a favorite trait of mine.

I also enjoy a show that doesn't have a murder/terrorist/life-or-death decision every 10 minutes. (As you know, I like some of THOSE shows as well, but it's nice to retreat to GG). I guess I miss the US, and life outside of the big city. I frequently can compare my little village of Glendale with Stars Hollow, and I love seeing New England through the seasons.

You can't understand much of what is going on by just catching a few episodes. It takes a bit to get to know some of the relationships past the superficial level. It DOES generate some interesting conversations...

I guess I sometimes like a gentler, kinder show that hasn't put me on the edge of my seat throughout!

Dasha the Explorer said...

I agree to everything that's been said here, but still hope to see Season 4. It's relaxing and entertaining.
Wow, my verification word is fun!

ukrainiac said...

We sent Jamie with the next season for you to see when he was here on Tuesday. Hope you're feeling better, Dasha.

grey rose (they/them) said...

yikes. with all the hype i've been hearing from y'all and others i TRIED to watch and episode.

needless to say, i was able to murder the feeling that i may have been missing something.