Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Things You Won't See In America - Part 4

I don't have a picture to go with this... but this is something that has frustrated me over the past couple of days... and it just isn't something you're likely to see in the states:

The '24-hour tire service center' down the street has been closed twice in the past two days. So why the 24? Why claim 24-hour service when you're going to close down at night anyway?

It's little things like these that get on people's nerves. It is because of this type of thing that many Ukrainians are not going to Crimea (Ukraine's 'Florida') in the summer but are looking for cheap deals anywhere else (Bulgaria, Turkey, baltic states, Egypt).

This isn't supposed to be a complaint against Ukraine... even if it sounds like one. But you still probably won't see this in America (and not because America is so perfect and wonderful... but because the owner of such a place would probably be sued for false advertising and wasting people's time).

I'll try to make part 5 more positive...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Big Day...

Today, my blog is celebrating it's first birthday. I've made it... I've made it a whole year. I'm kind of surprised myself to be honest. It all started with the post 'Mouth Soap' (a classic, I'm sure you all remember... hehe).

In celebration I'm adding this clip. Last night I was at a 'drummer show' with the guest star being Marco Minneman (he's a pretty famous drummer). Anyway, he was discussing memorizing music and how to put together long lines of memorized music without even being able to read music. His theory is that you can memorize anything if you put it to words/melody.

So, just for fun... he played a 'solo' over a 3 minute clip of Monty Python's Life of Brian that he had memorized. This is only 31 seconds of it that I recorded on my phone so the quality isn't great. I was quite entertained.

P.S. Someone better make sure Matt Robins sees this!

P.P.S. Last night, I also won a DW Drum's t-shirt for my vast knowledge of drum history.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"More fun, more flames, more flameouts: more Gilmore."

I just don't get it... Dasha is already watching season 3 (borrowed from Jeanne) and I still haven't been able to sit through a whole episode.

I don't think its well-written and I don't think that its well-acted and I think the highly-praised "suds-free storyline" is lame.

What do people like this show for and how can there be so many seasons of it?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Here are the promised pictures that go with Part 3 of the highly-acclaimed series 'Things You Won't See in America'. (Women the world over have given this series two thumbs-up!)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Things You Won't See In America - Part 3

Here we go, my third post of this series. This week's thing you won't see in America is:

March, 8th

Here, this is no simple date. This is like Valentines day, Mother's day, plus every woman's birthday all wrapped in to one. But don't think you can get away with congratulating your significant other exclusively... you must congratulate all women. Co-workers, wives, sisters, moms, daughters, aunts... if it's a woman, you have to congratulate it.

International Women's Day. While it does cause us mortal men some extra hassle, we do get a few days off at work because of it.

Pictures aren't working... I'll add them later.

Friday, March 09, 2007