Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The wide, wide computer world...

It's quite a bit odd, to see your parents out in the blogging world. I saw my Dad's comments on Hannah's blog today and it reminded of a Seinfeld bit (what else?):

Estelle (George's Mom):"I'm out there, George."

George: "You're not out there."

E: "I am too."

G: "You're not out there. You can't be because I am out there. And if I see you out there there's not enough voltage in this world to electro-shock me back into coherence."

Are these the same parents that used to make me check their e-mail for them? Are these the same parents who couldn't connect to the internet without one of the kids coming to help? Are these the same parents that had me set up the annoying 'Net Nanny' parental control software?
The times have changed... now they've moved on from PC to master Mac, they're setting up wireless home networks, banking, and even sending out newsletters and blogging with pictures and power point presentations on a regular basis (all with a little help from the Brown's).
It's almost time let them go... all by themselves, in the the wide, wide world.... of computers.


Jeanne said...

Now all we need to work on is having them use the correct terminology when speaking about computers :)

"I clicked that thing and brought up this thingy and didn't know what to do so I pressed this thing and now it's not working... What did I do wrong?"

Anonymous said...

Ha! I can't believe I haven't been to your blog in a while. I forgot what source of amusement it is in my daily life!
If it's any consolation, though I have navigated the computer world, my husband is still floundering. He pays as much attention to the computer as he does the frying pans in the kitchen! Once, every six months, I have to check HIS e-mail and clean out the hundreds of spam. He insisted that he have his own e-mail with a more dignified name than "beachmama" or "riverblues" but he never gives out his e-mail to anyone(probably 'cuz he can't remember that he has one)!
BLOG BELOW: Coming to England a few years ago, I circled the supermarket seven timnes looking for the REFRIGERATED case that might have the eggs. Imagine my surprise when I was told that eggs are NOT refrigerated in England! As Dasha says-they were au natural.(It IS the "incredible-edible egg")