Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Things You Won't See In America - Part 2

This one is a bit sketchy because the picture isn't great and there be something like it in America. But... if there is, I've never seen it.

Technically, this blog, should probably called Things You Probably Won't See In America - Part 2.

The picture was taken while I was driving with the camera in my phone so you'll have to cut it some slack:

As you can see, there are two triangle-shaped stickers on the back of this car. The bottom one -- 'Y' -- is the first letter in the russian word for student. This sticker will be most likely coming off this car in the coming months.

The other sticker is more important. If you can't make it out, it is a high-heeled shoe (a 'pump', if you will). This is an unofficial but very widely-used warning symbol meaning:


This week's thing you won't see in America goes not only to this sticker, but also to the fact that a woman would publicly claim to be an inferior driver and displaying that claim quite publicly on her vehicle.


Dasha the Explorer said...
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Dasha said...

No... it's a sign of danger.

Its like a "Cow X-ing" sign. The cow isn't 'inferior', but it could wander out where it doesn't belong and cause itself (and the people around it) harm.

Dasha the Explorer said...
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Dasha the Explorer said...

It's not like a 'pump' says 'I'm stupid, so beware', it says 'I'm a delicate flower, so be a gentlemen and let a lady through if you don't mind...' Gotta understand the culture, women like to be treated like ladies even on the roads.

grey rose (they/them) said...

cows are rather dumb.

thanks dasha for your wisdom.

xo great post!!

Dasha said...

Still... facts are facts.

1. It is considered a warning symbol by those around


2. You're probably not going to see it in America.

Dasha the Explorer said...

in that you're PROBABLY right...

Cara Denney said...

Ok...Jamie, you're a great guy, and not, as far as I previously thought, a chauvinist..but inferior? Dude, out of the mouth the heart speaks! :) Warning symbol? The Baby on Board signs mean to watch out for the baby, (like Dasha was suggesting) not watch out that the baby will hit you (or the driver with a baby, even) but YOU are to watch out and not hit the baby!

I also think maybe that, in this culture where only recently (last 10 years) have the majority of people been able to own a car...and even less of those car owners/drivers were women (until recently) maybe they are wanting to brag that "hey! I'm a woman and I drive in a culture where that is not so very common!".

I agree, I thought it was weird first time I saw it..and disappointing when the driver was indeed inferior...and a danger! BUT I don't agree with the meaning you took from it...

Ok...if Jeanne hadn't told me about this blog...and how much I wanted to check out the egg posting I wouldn't have left you this long winded hard feelings...just a good thing you are here and not in the states where someone would sue you for sexual harrasment or something for your potentially discriminatory comments. :)

(I hope you know I'm yanking your chain.) :)

Michelle said...

Jamie, Yes, your sister is spreading the news and making your blog famous! :)

Last I heard women are still allowed to smoke, vote and yes, even drive in America, thus saying....yes, you won't see this sign on a car in America! I agree with Dasha, the driver is announcing proudly to the world that she is a woman wearing the pumps in the family and we all know that Ukrainian women can walk on ice in stiletto heeled ones....God bless them, I can't do that! :)

Dasha said...

Believe what you will... we all know the truth.