Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Weather

It's been a whopping 11 days since my last blog... and what do people talk about during uncomfortable pauses in conversation? The weather...

I just thought I would mention that while the projected high in Salisbury, MD was 65 degrees farenheit... the high in the Kyiv (the froozing former soviet union) is 88! (If you could make numbers 'capital' like letters I would have done it.)

And now you know... the rest of the story.


Anonymous said...

We would like that 65 to stay for the July wedding-possible?

Dasha the Explorer said...

it's HOT here :-P water, give me water...

Anonymous said...

Do you have A/C? Here's the key: two showers a day. One to refresh in the a.m. and to see you through the day. The second-when day and work are done-the water evaporates as you settle into beddy-bye and you can sleep well. How am I so smart? Our A/C was broken for a good part of last summer!

Anna P said...

I feel the pain... but it has been that hot since the beginning of April here. No sympothy will given.

On a side note, I haven't used my fan yet. I wonder how long I can make it without using it? (No a/c here!)

Dasha said...

Nope... no A/C. Although, with the 'gloom and doom' of global warming on the horizon... it might not be a bad idea to get an a/c unit installed.

(P.S., this picture was taken by Dasha... leaning out of the car as we were driving by.)

Jeanne said...

Anna, the walls are super thick though... gradually letting the coolness go from the winters that I remember had us dressing up in sleeping bags, hats, scarves and gloves!