Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Day of School

Mom has a September 1st post so I thought it would be good to have one as well. Dasha's Dad broke his foot on August 24th (Ukrainian Independence Day) so he wasn't able to take the kids to school.

Here is Slavik... the face in the crowd. (Photo courtesy of Dasha) He is a fourth grader... it is his first time at a real school.

Here is Anton going in to first grade. I don't think he knows how many years he'll be spending in school... but he looks like he's getting the hang of it already.

And here are the first graders outside (Anton is with the green balloon) for their little ceremony. The older kids behind them are kids graduating this year.. it is a tradition for the graduating class to walk the first graders into the ceremony. Behind them, you can see how many parents were there to see it.

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1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Cute, cute, cute!!!!